Why Your Pretty Graphics Aren’t Calling in Your Dream Clients

As a graphic designer, I love creating aesthetically pleasing graphics, but at the end of the day, pretty just doesn’t cut it. When it comes to creating graphics for your business, it should be a strategic endeavor - this is an opportunity to create something with purpose. Now, this doesn’t mean it should be complicated; there are just a few things you need to keep in mind before spending hours creating your next IG carousel in Canva. 

Below are the common pitfalls with creating graphics and how you can avoid falling into them:

1. You’re Making it about You 

Last time you sat down to create a graphic, who were you focused on developing it for? Did you pick colors or icons based on what you liked? Remember, you are creating something to draw in your dream clients, so you should be keeping them front of mind. Consider what information they want to know and how that translates into a design. 

2. It’s Trendy, not Unique.

Templates are a great way to speed up the design process. But they are also a way to get trapped into following trends and not focusing on being unique. We’re visual creatures, so this is a prime opportunity for you to stand out from the crowd. If you are using a template, make sure your competition or others similar to you aren’t using the same ones. Also, you should always customize a template to fit your branding. 

3. There’s no reason behind it.

Graphic design is a powerful communication tool. If you haven’t thought about what you are trying to communicate when creating your graphic, it will most likely miss the mark. What action do you want people to take? What feeling are you trying to evoke? What impression are you trying to make? Ask these questions to start making impactful, meaningful designs. 

4. Complicated + Hard to Read

Your graphic should be easy to read and understand. That means not too much text, a clear hierarchy, the right amount of contrast, and implementing basic design principles. Again, this is a chance to communicate a message, don’t let it get lost in a “pretty” design. 

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