3 Ways to convert prospects into clients through your website

Whether you are using a simple landing page or a multi-page website, the purpose is to convert prospects into clients. The question is, how do you do that? There are some simple things you’ll want to pay attention to and incorporate into your online presence. Below are three staple items for any website or landing page:

1. Clear Call to Action 

What action do you want someone to take when they land on your homepage? What about when they check out your client testimonials? Don’t leave someone guessing why they came to your page. You should be guiding a visitor toward a specific action. This doesn’t have to always be for a sale - It could be to sign up for your newsletter or follow you on IG. Just make sure it is clear and aligned with the messaging you are sharing on that page. 

2. Email Collection

Someone may not be ready to work with you yet but make sure there is a way for you to stay connected. Email is a powerful tool and way to speak directly to your dream clients without the noise and distractions like social media platforms. Find a way to provide something of value that is worth someone giving you their email address. 

3. FAQ Section

The information you provide on your website should be all about making it easier for someone to say yes to your offering. An FAQ section allows you to clear up anything that may cause someone to have resistance. This section will help to ensure you don’t waist time on discovery calls answering the same process questions. Instead you can focus on sharing the value and transformation you provide. 

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