20 sources of converting content

Have you ever found yourself saying, “how are people posting something EVERY DAY!? Some are even posting multiple times of day…how do they do it!?” 

I know the thought of coming up with content every day that is packed with value and will lead to clients can feel overwhelming. But if you take the time to define crucial foundational elements, it will all become simple. 

There are content sources all around you. You have to start seeing things differently. When you do, Content creation won’t feel like something you have to check off of a list. It will become a natural extension of who you are - and your people will keep coming back for more.

Here are 20 sources of converting content you can start tapping into:

  1. Your business why
  2. Your specific offer why
  3. Your difference
  4. Your specific offer’s difference
  5. Your mission
  6. Your vision
  7. Your values
  8. Your results
  9. Your client’s results
  10. Client coaching calls + messages
  11. Calls with your mentors
  12. DM/Sales call conversations 
  13. Market research convos
  14. Your lifestyle
  15. Your opinions/POVs
  16. Your story then (past transformation)
  17. Your story now (the day-to-day and things happening now)
  18. Pop culture + current events
  19. Educational niche
  20. Books + podcasts

When you define what's important to you + why, and what’s important to your audience + why you’ll start to see stories in places you never saw them before.

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